Melanie and Adam’s Reedsburg WI Wedding

LOCATION: Reedsburg WI wedding CEREMONY: St John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Reedsburg WI RECEPTION: Rock Springs Community Center, Rock Springs, WI FLORIST: Fantasy Floral, Reedsburg, WI DJ: Music Box Entertainment WEDDING GOWN and BRIDESMAIDS DRESSES: Brides and Belles, Reedsburg, WI It’s time for Melanie and Adam’s wedding photos on the blog! The day started beautifully with a slightly… read more
Love and Joy – The Best of 2013 Photo Contest

Well, it’s that time of the year again! It’s the first week of 2014 so it means time for all of you to cast your vote in the Best of 2013 Photo Contest. On this one of the coldest days of this winter I thought I’ll try to warm you up with some images reflecting… read more
Elizabeth and Gabe – Devil’s Head Wedding, Baraboo WI Wedding Photographer

This was one amazing Devil’s Head wedding! The day started at a resort condo near Baraboo WI, where Elizabeth’s Mom and her bridesmaids were helping her to get ready. This is also where Gabe came (in a golf cart) to see his bride for the first time that day. And she looked stunning! After the first look we… read more
Katie and Jake – Engagement Photos, Spring Green WI

Another fall engagement session with another great couple. Katie and Jake are fun, radiating good energy, quick to laugh, so in love and just happy together. They were constantly brightening the location with their smiles. It was easy to photograph their inner glow and beautiful spirit. We met in a park near Spring Green WI… read more