Best of 2011 Contest – Vote For Your Favorite Photo – Prairie du Sac, WI Photographer
When I thought about what to write about for my first blog post in 2012, I had an idea to make it into a contest. So here we go…!
Let’s go back to 2011 and enjoy it for a little longer… Here are my favorite images from all the weddings, family and senior sessions that I had a pleasure to capture last year. It was almost an impossible task to pick just one photograph from each session. If I had to do it again my choices would probably be different, but here in this post are my first impressions of favorites.
Now, it’s your turn and the fun part – the best of Ania Fields Photo Art 2011 contest.
Who wins?
Client(s) with the image receiving the most votes.
What is the prize?
One 16×20 float wrap using an image of their choice taken from last year’s session or wedding.
How to vote for your favorite photo?
1. You can vote for ONE image only.
2. Choose your favorite photo below (one and only!) and vote for it by leaving a comment below this post (just click on “leave the comment” link on the bottom under the last photo). In the comment box share the number of your favorite photo AND ALSO write why you like it most.
3. Bonus vote: You can have one extra vote for the same image. To receive it, just go to my Facebook Page and “like” it, to become a fan (if you haven’t done it yet :-)) Then go to the “Best of 2011 Contest” photo gallery and click “like” on the same ONE image you chose in the blog. Votes on Facebook will count only from people who both “like” Ania Fields Photo Art business page AND ALSO left a comment on the blog.
4. Voting closes on Sunday January 15th, 2012 at midnight CST
Please follow the rules above so that your votes count and share this contest with family and friends. I will do my best to validate and tally up all the votes correctly and will announce the winner here on the blog. Thank you for all your support and trust in 2011. Wishing you the most wonderful 2012, hopefully we’ll have a chance to enjoy it together 🙂
go here for more photos:
or “like” me on Facebook!
Too many to choose from! I narrowed down to five for best color, composition, subject and uniqueness, but overall I pick #5 !!
Great work!
#26. Beautiful day, beautiful picture!
#2… beautiful color, scenery, and subject! just perfect!
#6 Fun and creative location. Captures our goofy personalities perfectly!
#5–just for the sheer delight that is so natural in children and captured perfectly. I love all the outdoor photos also. Just beautiful!
#16 – love the tire and the whole layout!
26 – if there were a contest for Happiest Couple, they would win! Love you two!!
#26 Brett and Jessica are an awesome couple. They look so happy.
# 8 ….. Beautiful colors. Blessed family.
Great pictures. Would recommend her to everyone! Pictures as your day happens with nothing getting staged! Thank you!!
#8.. they are just good ppl 🙂
#26 such a beautiful couple and such nice people. 🙂
#6 Great picture for a great day.
#6 This picture is a PERFECT capture of Steph and Dylan.
Masey and “Brudder”…..never a dull moment….glad you could chase them down for this picture.
Brett and Jessica. they are truly in love and their pictures totally capture that 🙂
Because she is my gorgeous daughter.
#26! Such a great couple!
#3 – I love my beautiful family!
Because this is just one of MANY great photos you captured of my boys in 1 hour.
Because I want the prize.
I vote #6 because Dylan & Stephanie’s personality shines in this photo !
I like #21!
#10 🙂
I personally love 21. It has a great contrast between the green and the purple.
#26 — is my vote but all your photos are beautiful !!!
I vote for photo number 31; Kathleen and Ryans wedding. She is stunning and he looks, they both look incredibly happy. A beautiful picture that captures love.
great photo of Kathleen and Ryan number 31
#1….I love this idea!
#31 Don’t know what they are thinking, but it’s making them both glow!
Absolutely love picture #26 as you have totally caught the love between this couple.
#21 – Just because Natalie is the BEST!
#26 I like this photo because you truly captured the love shared between these two people.
#1… I love this photo and how they are sharing their only special moment together.
#26 – love the look of the couple and the focal points and contrasting colors.
#26-because it’s such a beautiful picture of two people so in love!!!
#31–Beautiful couple. This photo captures their joy.
#26 Beautiful!
#5 It was really hard to choose just one from all these great pictures. But I chose this because I’m a sucker for babies.
#26 🙂
Beautiful Couple!! Love this picture 🙂
All of your work is beautiful but I really like #26 the best. It captured a perfect moment!
#31 — The looks on their faces show so much love!
#26 Great colors such a wonderful couple truely in love
Love 31, it so shows their love!!!
I like #21 because she’s my intelligent, beautiful granddaughter.
#31! Happy memories!
#31 definitely. They are beautiful inside as well as outside!!!
Number 31 with a bullitt! Not literally, but you know…shooting up the charts and all that. Don’t they make just the cutest couple. Couples that hunt together, stay together. Remember that you two.
#15 Of course!
I love picture # 15 because of the joyful expressions captured on the family’s faces. What a treasure of a family picture!
#31 is the best!
$15 – They look like one happy family!
#31 – Beautiful picture of the happy couple!
#15 – I love this family picture. The Best!
#4 Different idea….. Love it.
#4 is the best!!
4-great shot!
#4 is amazing!
#4 Cool Picture
#4 – Its definitely the best 🙂 cool picture.
#4 – this is my coworkers son – I thought this shot was very cool!
#4. Love the pose.
#15 is beautiful. What a great family picture.
#4 Of course!!! Go wrestling!!!
#15 A great looking and happy family!
#4 nice Hair
#4 Tells a story of something that is important to him.
#26 is cute!
#26!! Love the moment captured….and the depth of field works really well!!
number 26
#26 is a great pic of two great people!
#8-love that fall colors and they look like a very happy and blessed family. But all the photos are beautiful
We love # 21!!
Great picture, beautiful day filled with love!!
# 17
that is a cute couple and the wedding party looks so happy !!!!!!!!!!
#4….what a face!
#4 – 🙂
I vote for #31 because it is just beautiful!
#15 is a great family shot
#1 – We attended the wedding and everything about it was beautiful!
Love #31 🙂
#1 – Captured a special moment on a special day – Beautiful
# 5 It was hard to pick just one…but i just love this toddler’s happy little face 😀
I’m excited to see who wins…of course I’m voting for #26…Jess and Brett.
#31 definately, had a great time that day
#31 …it’s a Classic! Captures a beautiful couple as they face the future together but their individuality shines through.
#31 yay Kathleen and Ryan!!
Beautiful couple wonderful wedding!!
# 31
#31! The photo captures the joy of both Ryan and Kathleen beautifully!
#31! Very nice photo!
#31 A beautiful couple and wonderful smiles!
#31 Great looking couple and great wedding!!
I vote for #31 because that’s a damn good looking couple!!
#31 – simply lovely
i vote #31!! Such a cute couple!!!
#31 🙂 great picture.
Loving 31!
They are all gorgeous, but my vote is #26
I vote for number 1. They are totally in love.
Beautiful picture.#26
I vote #26
31 all the way!
#26…Love radiates from this couple. They are meant to be and you captured that.
#1 – awesome idea!