Alicia and Ted – Beloved Photography, Madison WI Photographer
This session was a special photographic adventure for me. My first attempt to do an entire shoot without a typical “look at the camera and smile” expression. Instead I wanted this session to focus on a relationship and on celebrating love. My intent was to create more genuine, moving images. Alicia and Ted were perfect for this Beloved photography approach and open to experiment with me. They are high school sweethearts who’ve been together for over twenty five years and are amazing, dedicated parents to six great kids. We met on one cloudy weekday morning to capture with my camera what they are like together and why. It was beautiful to experience how they connected with each other in a completely genuine and heart-warming way. I loved that, and not just because I got some wonderfully authentic images but also because it seemed like they really enjoyed the experience as well 🙂 Here are just a few of their beautiful real expressions and emotions I was able to capture…
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