Sarah and Dominic’s Wisconsin State Capitol Wedding, Madison WI
Sarah and Dominic’s Wisconsin State Capitol wedding was beginning of their life together as a family and the end of this wedding season for me. We started the day early at Hotel Red where Sarah was getting ready…
When Sarah was all ready and beautiful we went down to the lobby for their first look. Dominic was already there looking nice and handsome…
And then it was time to drive to the capitol for the ceremony. All the guests were already there, together with tens of other capitol visitors admiring the huge Christmas tree and a flute band. But even though the crowds were quite heavy that day, the ceremony felt very intimate with just the closest family and friends present. Sarah and Dominic, thank you for having me to capture your wedding memories and I wish you the best of luck, health and happiness in all the years ahead!
At this special time of year I want to wish you all who stopped by the blog this year lots of beautiful moments with your family over the holidays and may your joy and festivities continue to radiate in your heart long after Christmas is gone. It’s been a wonderful year and I’ll see you back on the blog in 2015!
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