River Arts Center Photo Contest and Reception
I’m a little late with this post, but better late than never 🙂 Two weeks ago I delivered a photo workshop at River Arts Center in Prairie du Sac, WI which was part of a winter photo contest event they organized. Even though it snowed a night before, I was super happy to see 14 people show up for the class. And afterwards they all said that they did learn something new! Here is a couple of photos taken by my husband during the class:
Looks like we are going to have another cold and snowy weekend. If you don’t have any plans for this coming Sunday afternoon (Feb 9th), I’d like to invite you to River Arts Center for another fun event. As I mentioned, this winter River Arts Inc. conducted a photo contest for the members of the Sauk Prairie community. Lots of people submitted photos in both adult and youth categories. The results were amazing. Clearly, Sauk Prairie is surrounded by talented artists! The 18 photos selected will be printed and framed and given to the photographers with a chance to win a $50 cash prize. You can help choose the winner by attending a free public reception. This exhibit is in conjunction with The Photography of Mike Murray, a professional photographer from Madison and the Wisconsin Regional Art Program representing the best of Wisconsin’s non-professional artists. With catering by the wonderful Maria Van Cleve and an interactive photo booth by Finer Fotos, this is sure to be a fun event! Put it on your calendar and bring friends and family. I hope to see you there on Sunday!
WHAT: River Arts Center Public Reception
WHEN: Sunday, February 9th, 2014 from 1-3pm
WHERE: River Arts Center lobby, 105 9th St, Prairie du Sac, WI
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call me: 608-643-2642